Move Your Data Estate on Cloud to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Cloud computing is fast becoming the go-to solution for commercial, enterprise, and government entities with large databases. It enables data collection, analysis, and storage in shared data centers and is accessed through a multitude of web-enabled services. Data can be processed online, anytime, and everywhere.

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Cloud computing

Cloud Computing

Cost savings, greater workload flexibility, security, scalability, and mobility are among the top reasons many organizations move their data estate to the cloud. Now, on top of these benefits, a lot of attention is focused on how using cloud computing is better for the environment, moving to sustainable operation, and reducing carbon footprint.

The Environmental Impact of Cloud Computing

The International Data Corp. (IDC) forecasted that cloud computing will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. It has the potential to prevent more than one billion metric tons of CO2 from 2021 through 2024.

One of the main factors in reducing CO2 emissions by using cloud computing is its large-scale facilities that can efficiently manage power capacity, optimize cooling with energy-efficient infrastructure, increase server utilization rates, and leverage on the most power-efficient servers. This makes the cloud more efficient than enterprise-owned data centers.
Cloud datacenters are designed to optimize the physical environment reducing power requirements to keep the facility cool. It spends more energy running the IT equipment than cooling the facility. These facilities have also shifted to utilizing clean energy as most data centers transition to renewable power sources like wind and solar to curtail carbon emissions.   Cloud migration also unlocks new opportunities like clean energy transition through cloud-based geographic analyses as well as material waste reduction from better data insights.
The best way to measure the difference in carbon emission is to compare the environmental impact of cloud computing versus local, on-premises computing. A recent study by Microsoft, the Carbon Benefits of Cloud Computing, cited 4 key areas on how migrating data estate to the cloud can reduce an organization’s carbon footprint.

” Migrations to the cloud can reduce CO2 emissions by 59 million tons per year which equates to taking 22 million cars off the road.”

“Companies using cloud computing reduce the amount of carbon released into the air by 88%. They’re also using 77% fewer servers and 84% less power.”

IT – Operational Efficiency

Commercial cloud services in general can operate with much greater IT operational efficiency than smaller, on-premises deployments. Through dynamic provisioning and multitenancy cloud service provider manages capacity efficiency better to avoid overprovisioning and demand prediction for continuous capacity adjustment.

IT – Equipment Efficiency

Cloud computing providers strong financial incentive to optimize IT efficiency, tailoring hardware components to the specific needs of the services so equipment runs leaner with a higher ratio of input energy going towards providing useful output than in traditional enterprise deployments. The results of the study suggest that more specialized, efficient IT equipment can reduce electricity consumption by at least 10 percent.

Datacenter Infrastructure Efficiency

Advanced infrastructure technologies in hyperscale datacenters reduce electricity requirements for overhead tasks such as lighting, cooling, and power conditioning. Power usage effectiveness (PUE) – the ratio of overall electricity consumption at the datacenter facility to the electricity delivered to the IT hardware – is a common measure of efficiency in datacenters. Hyperscale data centers achieve better PUEs than typical enterprise datacenters.

Renewable Electricity

The cloud unlocks potential large-scale purchases of green power that bring substantial renewable energy into the grid. This is otherwise unviable for distributed electricity demand from on-premises datacenters.

Get In Touch

The Cloud Computing environment provides companies savings on resources, increased efficiency, better security, and now an opportunity to do better for the earth by reducing carbon emissions.

For organizations considering cloud computing, speak to AI Consulting Group to discuss the opportunities and benefits of moving your data estate to the cloud.

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