Dashboard Software to Visualise Business Success

Dashboard software is a type of business intelligence tool that create dashboards, designed as high-level overviews that combine an array of key performance indicators (KPI) on a single page. These business metrics are intended to help monitor current operations, business performance, provide tactical ways to achieve business goals, and analyze situations to determine how to improve business performance and which areas in the organization need a push.

In terms of business intelligence, a dashboard shows a company’s current and historical performance. A BI dashboard will show whatever KPIs are desired to identify trends, evaluate potential issues, and reduce costs.

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Dashboard Software

Dashboard Software Features

Intuitive Data Presentation

Dashboards are meant to be intuitive to any user level with graphic design providing easy and smooth navigation. Requiring little to no assistance when navigating the tool. Patterns, trends, and correlations that place data sets into a visual context to help people understand.


Dashboards can be customized in terms of users and information. Creating personalized reports based on the most valuable and useful information for certain positions. This allows user to see the level of detail in order to meet goals and do their job.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The best dashboard tools provide a clear visual of Key Performance Indicators (KPI), measuring the progress made towards the achievement of your target. This includes business operation metrics such as sales target, occupancy level, customer increase, and other identifier or measure of success.

Drill into Detail

Dashboards are developed with the ability to get as deeper in information as required by simply selecting the desired variable or object. This provides detailed insight on the overall performance of each metric.

Benefits From the Best Dashboard Tool

Understand System Dynamics

A dashboard brings together metrics that can convey the internal system dynamics of any organization. Use this opportunity to show the relationship and cause and effect the departments have on each other and on the overall outcome and bottom line. A valuable tool to educate different organizational sections.

Save Time by Reviewing Highlights

Providing high-level overview, view key business performance indicators in one page. Review KPI status and business metrics with option to drill down on details as necessary.

Track Progress Towards Goals

Dashboards can be used as tools for monitoring progress toward identified goals. The scorecard style dashboard explicitly incorporates actual performance versus goals or benchmarks. Another example is a vision dashboard created in the context of strategic planning. Each strategic initiative from the plan will have a set of measures that tell the board whether the intended effects of that initiative are being realized.

Identify Patterns and Anomalies Among Similar Entities

One of the most common uses of dashboards is to array on a single page the performance results of multiple programs or business operating units. This enables the user to efficiently discern any patterns that all programs or units share and/or any anomalies that will need special attention.

Spot Potential Problem

Dashboards can be designed specifically to alert certain individuals in the organisation when select performance metrics stray outside acceptable ranges. Scorecard dashboards that use light icons are some of the best tools to secure critical factors that are closely monitored.

How To Get Started?

Speak with AI Consulting Group’s Management Consultant to design a dashboard reporting tool to help you make the most of your data and measure business performance.

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