Power BI Premium Gen 2 is the latest improvement released by Microsoft Power BI which brings significant improvement to its previous version. Gen2 introduces improved set of features and architecture updates including enhanced performance, greater scale, improved metrics, and faster processing including faster query for key reports.
Premium Gen2 now offers license flexibility per user or capacity. This enables administrators to automatically add compute capacity to avoid slowdowns under heavy use, using Autoscale and provide consistent and reliable cost management with utilisation metrics.
Power BI Premium Gen2 offers these improved experiences:
Each Power BI user has a personal workspace known as My Workspace. Additional workspaces known as workspaces can be created to enable collaboration.
The amount of memory available on each node size is set to the limit of memory footprint of a single artifact, and not to the cumulative consumption of memory.
There is no limit on the number of refreshes running per v-core. Schedule and run as many refreshes as required at any given time, and the Power BI service will run those refreshes at the time schedule.
Premium Gen2 intends to simplify monitoring and management. It aims to assure that everything is running properly and only alerts users if they must act, such as requiring attention to correct over usage or if more resources are required.
AI Consulting Group has developed frameworks and best practices for Power BI.
Our consultants are experts with data ingestion, transformation and visualisation to accelerate development, integration and uptake within your organisation.
Our expert consultants can also lead structured training to enhance self-service visualisation capabilities to accelerate your data visualisation journey.
Get in touch with AI Consulting Group via email, on the phone, or in person.
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Call us if you have an immediate requirement and you’d like to chat to someone about your project needs or strategy.
We would be delighted to meet for a coffee, beer or a meal and discuss your requirements with you and your team.