Scrum Masters and Scrum Consulting

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Scrum masters champion agile project management and facilitates all the communication and collaboration between leadership and team players to ensure a successful outcome.

AI Consulting Group offer Scrum Masters and Scrum Consulting services to increase productivity and quality through organizational transformation and support. Identify the key priorities and guide teams to deliver value faster.




Our consultants can facilitate a productive conversation on what the organization really needs from scaling Scrum and providing tailored solutions to help you make progress towards your business goals. We provide agile support to help companies launch or scale a Scrum implementation. They look to engage in high-level discussion about how Agile methods can improve the delivery of products and services and how Scrum can support broader strategic goals.

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Roles of a Scrum Master

  • Coaching the team members in self-management and cross-functionality.
  • Leading, planning, training, and coaching the organization in its Scrum adoption and implementation within the organisation.
  • Helping the Scrum Team focus on creating high-value increments to completing projects.
  • Removal of impediments to the Scrum Team’s progress as well as removal of barriers between stakeholders and Scrum teams.
  • Ensuring that all Scrum events take place and are positive, productive, and kept within the timeframe.

It is also important to have proficiency in specific technical skills related to Agile management and software development.

With the Agile project management methodology, ensure that teams follow specific processes to complete and release projects and products in stages for customer input at every step.

Software development and management skills to work on software projects and products. Know and understand the goals, structure, and expectations, processes, requirements, planning, and monitoring that goes into producing better software.

Business analysis skills to focus on how to continuously improve a product to meet customer, stakeholder, and company needs.

Scrum can be a powerful transformational tool within your organization. Providing focused and sustained support of the executive leadership, showing management how to support teams, remove impediments and shape the vision.